A feral cat in barn

Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) involves trapping feral or “wild” cats in humane traps, taking them to the vet to be vaccinated and sterilized, and then returning them to the place where they were originally caught.

One female cat and one male cat and their offspring result in 420,000 kittens in seven years The Rascal Unit truck

The Rascal Unit a mobile animal clinic.

Volunteer or Donate to help feral cats We love cats

Need a Furry Friend?

We need homes for rescued cats. Share the love, adopt. Fill out an application today!


Keeping Feral and Outside Cats Warm as the Temperatures Drop this Winter

Keep feral and outside cats warm as the temperatures drop this winter.  I first learned about cat shelters when I attended a feral cat workshop sponsored by CATco, Cat Assistance Team of Central Ohio.  There are plans for making shelters for your outside cat on several web sites and the links are listed.

Please check out all of these great sites to keep your kitties warm, dry, and safe this winter:

An outside shelter for cats


Tucker, my outside cat, in his well-built and insulated cat house — the plans for this cat house came from the Alley Cat Allies web site. My good friend, Richard Murray, built it for my kitties.




Keep your cats warm this winter