Black and Orange Cat Foundation
PO Box 126 Plain City OH 43064


We love cats

Need a Furry Friend?

We need homes for rescued cats. Share the love, adopt. Fill out an application today!

Pets Ohio Tag

Ohio Pet License Tag



The Black & Orange Cat Foundation is a charitable group working to help reduce the cat overpopulation problem in the Plain City/Union and Madison County area through spay/neuter services. Black & Orange Cat Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 public charity and all donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.



Honda donation to Black and Orange Cats
donate to black and orange cat foundation

Once again, we would like to thank Honda of America Manufacturing for the $250 grant they gave to Black and Orange Cat Foundation. This grant was offered through their Honda Heros program. Retired Honda Associate, Roberta Timmons (shown with the grant check), and her husband, Bob, donate many, many hours to B and O, taking care of foster kitties. They give medicine, tame shy kitties, scoop poop, attend events, and do anything else we ask them to do. Employees who volunteer with a charitable organization can apply to be a Honda Hero, which Roberta has done for the past three years. Thanks to Honda and Roberta and Bob for this very nice donation!!

Where Your Donation Goes
  • Vet Care for sick and injured cats.
  • Help with the cat overpopulation problem by providing spay/neuter services for stray and feral cats in our community.  We also provide vaccinations and medical care (as needed) for stray and feral cats.
  • Spay/neuter services, vaccinations, and medical care for cats belonging to low income residents in the Plain City area.
The Allison Fund:

Allison the catThe Allison Fund was created in memory of a very special cat who made a grand entrance at our first Board meeting by leaping into the middle of the table around which we were all sitting.  Allison came bounding up, as if to tell us that she approved of our efforts and would help us in any way possible.

Allison, who had spent most of her life working in Chuck and Carol Gaul’s business, had finally allowed the Gauls to bring her to their home to retire.  Her days of greeting customers and patrolling the grounds gave way to afternoons snoozing in the sunshine and watching the birds.  Her retirement, however, was short lived and only a few days after our first Board meeting, Allison succumbed to kidney failure.

As her mom, Carol remembers, “Allison came as a stray to our business and I fed her outside because she was scared and didn't want to come inside. Eventually, she moved inside to my office and became the “Greeter” to our customers(and she was quite the talker).  Customers would come in and ask to see Allison if she wasn't waiting on the “parts counter” to visit.  We would go looking for her and she was usually up in the storage over my office which we called her “Penthouse”.   She loved following everyone out in the yard to look for parts, or get under a machine with the mechanics working underneath.  She also loved to sleep on the seats of the equipment in the shop.  When we had a big scraper hauled in, she would have to climb all over it and inspect every inch.  She was a very unique “Shop Cat” and was loved by everyone.  We all miss her very much!”

In Allison’s memory, we are establishing this fund to help other injured or ill kitties who would have no other chance at life without their cat guardian angel, Allison, watching over them.

If you would like your donation to go specifically for this important fund, please mark 'The Allison Fund' on your check or include a note that tells us to use your donation for this purpose.